
Friday, February 4, 2022

1933: Tommy Daley Explodes Onto The Eastern Senior Interscholastic Football Scene

Tommy Daley's career with the local pro teams (Rough Riders and Trojans) spanned most of the ten years between 1936 and 1945 and four Grey Cup appearances including the 1940 title.

Daley's potential to excel at the highest level of the sport was in full display during his first senior high school season in 1933. Glebe's rather dominant points-for/points-against ratio is mentioned in the article below, written after Glebe had secured the senior city championship but prior to the Eastern Ontario playoffs.

Daley's dominance that season is also noted. Get a load of that ridiculous scoring summary.

Glebe's 1933 scores have been added to the high school page. The Blue and Gold would go on to win the city and EOSSA titles for that season and continue to do so over the next two.

With Daley no longer on the team in 1936, Glebe turned the title over to St. Patrick's. No doubt there were other factors at play, but Daley's departure had to have played a large part.

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