
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Additions To The Carleton Ravens Hall of Fame

The Carleton Ravens page above has a list of football players and builders that have been named to the school's hall of fame. Two more names were added earlier today, one in each category, following an announcement by the school on September 29th. Both men have connections to the pro level in the city as well.

Cameron Legault is the player added. He was a defensive tackle from 1996 to 1998, the program's last season until its return in 2013.  He was a first-team All-Canadian selection in 1998 and has been named the school's athlete of the year.  

Legault was a second round draft choice in 1999. He played eight years in the Canadian Football League including one season in Ottawa with the Renegades in 2005.

The other HoF addition was John Ruddy. Ruddy played for the Ravens as a defensive back between 1970 and 1975 but he is inducted as a builder for his key contributions to restoring the Ravens program. Ruddy is also a member of the OSEG ownership group that brought pro football back in the form of the RedBlacks. 

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