
Saturday, January 18, 2020

Eastview Golden Eagles Celebrate a Championship

New Plan.

This is a result of the "updates on updates" post a little earlier. Trying to remember all the recent updates and/or determining whether they were worth mentioning was a bit challenging and time-consuming so going forward I'll be posting updates pretty much as they happen. Some days you might end up with a half dozen posts, or we might go several days without one. A lot of the content might seem oddly random but at times, I find things when I wasn't looking for them.

Such is the case here. While filling out Ottawa U's 1966 season results, I'd happened across a victory celebration of that year's Eastview team.

The Golden Eagles are said to have won the Junior Interprovincial Football League title, referred to in the article as the JIHL for some reason (typo?), in defeating the Ottawa Sooners in a two-game series. The league did change names a few times and reporters didn't always seem particularly bothered to get it absolutely right.

For this site's purpose, the content is added to the IJFL page. I've seen the league called Interprovincial Junior Football League most often so that's what I go with.

Very little photography was displayed for that league in either paper at the time (Citizen and Journal) so I try to make use of whatever I come across.

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