
Monday, September 30, 2019

1970 Panda Game: OttawaU 29, Carleton 20

With the Panda Game coming this weekend, let's look back at a past one.

1970 was chosen in part because I didn't even know I had the recap saved. I usually have a one-paragraph summary on the Panda Game page above but did not have one for this particular edition of the big game.

The truth of the matter is that you can't go wrong selecting any of them. Even the lopsided games are made interesting by a record being set, a now-legendary player participating, Pedro antics, whatever.

I apologize for the poor scan but you should be able to read it without difficulty once you view it in its original size. Of course, what you'll read will be full of spelling errors such as "Ravins" and multiple versions of some of the players' names (Evanetz/Evantez, Ribbins/Robbins) but it is what it is.

You can also check out some soccer scores and consider an ad for French classes. Indeed, I was too lazy to crop around all that stuff. 

The picture above is copied from the Ottawa Journal. No credit was given.

Noteworthy trivia, I read in a Ravens Old Crow newsletter that John Ruddy intercepted a pass for Carleton in this game. Ruddy, as you likely know, is a member of the RedBlacks ownership group and was a major contributor to restoring Carleton's football program in 2013.

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