
Monday, January 14, 2019

Mexican Draft Results

If you'd have told me, when I started to restore my old website in mid 2017, that I would one day post the results of a Mexican draft, I would have tried to have you entered into concussion protocol but...Here we are.

I have to admit that I find it a little hard to get into this. I'm not opposed to a partnership between leagues in other countries, even if said league does not play the game by our rules. But we've gone from an announcement of talks, to an letter of intent, to a combine, to a draft all within eight weeks.

It all feels a little rushed, doesn't it? How much preparation actually went into deciding on these guys? I suppose in small, new leagues the standout players, well...stand out, but still.

Anyway...There were a number of questions about this event, including why it got so much attention with a collective bargaining agreement about to expire, how it would affect roster rules, etc.  So I'm going to add some of the information I've found for future reference, starting with a tweet from Dan Barnes who did an excellent job of covering the proceedings.

Fair enough, although I would suggest that the expense to attend one in Orlando or San Antonio is probably far more likely to bear fruit.

As for the CBA, I believe the following is from the Regina Leader-Post from late last week.

There must be a good reason to get started so late. Just because I don't know and/or understand that reason doesn't mean there isn't one.

Bottom line though, the Mexican draft did not interfere with negotiations. All this Mexico-based activity taking place in a short amount of time gives the impression that the league is ignoring a must (CBA) for a want but that doesn't appear to actually be the case.

I could see the bottom tweet coming true. It might only take one guy or two. If a Mexican player becomes a solid contributor on a team he's an instant draw and ambassador.

Remember when the RedBlacks were in their formative stages and it seemed so important to have a French presence to draw eyes from Gatineau? That, on a larger scale.

My question then becomes...What if they all bomb? How many years of fruitless drafts take place before that aspect starts to appear unrealistic and football fans in Mexico cease to pay attention? A Mexican presence in the CFL could take a while, 'cause...

"Not look out of place in a CFL camp" is faint praise indeed.  But judge for yourself. Here is our second round pick in action.

Boy, if you're not crazy about "coarse language", maybe turn the volume down.

I couldn't find anything recent about Max Soto but taking a chance in the third round on a guy who was the first overall pick in his own league seems sound.

We'll see where this whole thing goes. Perhaps the teams that treat this initiative with respect and truly work at it can develop an edge over those that dismiss it and go through the motions.

The RedBlacks appear to have taken it seriously and as a fan, all I can ask for is that every effort is made to win, so I appreciate that, at least.

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